Revision history of "Bonus Goat (Transcript)"

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  • curprev 12:34, 8 March 2025β€Ž Jemaleddin talk contribsβ€Ž 79,842 bytes +79,842β€Ž Created page with "(Back to episode page.) '''Chris Sims:''' "Then Tobit answered his son Tobias, β€˜He gave me his bond and I gave him my bond. I divided his in two; we each took one part, and I put one with the money. And now twenty years have passed since I left this money in trust. So now, my son, find yourself a trustworthy man to go with you, and we will pay him wages until you return. But get back the money from Gabael." The Book of Tobit, chapter 5, verse 3. [Mus..."