Revision history of "Sin-onyms, The Devil's Argument"

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  • curprev 18:03, 22 December 2024Jemaleddin talk contribs 1,868 bytes +16
  • curprev 08:24, 8 November 2024Jemaleddin talk contribs 1,852 bytes +1,852 Created page with "<iframe key="podcast" path="embed/episode/id/33322822/height/90/theme/custom/thumbnail/yes/direction/forward/render-playlist/no/custom-color/000000/" /> If you learn nothing else from our show, Theophiloi, let it be this: Never send a cow to do a leopard's job. This, for the record, is not a metaphor, it's the lesson that we learn from the passion of Perpetua and Felicity, who -- spoiler warning for a text with the word "Martyrdom" in the title! -- meet their fate at th..."