Revision history of "111: All Skips No Hits"

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  • curprev 18:03, 22 December 2024Jemaleddin talk contribs 1,751 bytes +16
  • curprev 08:16, 12 August 2024Jemaleddin talk contribs 1,735 bytes +1,735 Created page with "<iframe key="podcast" path="embed/episode/id/32521527/height/90/theme/custom/thumbnail/yes/direction/forward/render-playlist/no/custom-color/000000/" /> Open your ears to hear, Theophiloi! Your humble Sons of Thunder are back in style with a return to the show and to Canon Bible, just in time to kick off your Approximate Week celebrations! As promised, we're back with an in-depth look at 1 Chronicles, and while that may be the most boring part of the entire thing, we're..."